E-Commerce Mailing Simple & Affordable

Maximize your ecommerce store's earnings with MailPirate's tailored email marketing solutions. Engage your customers effectively with bulk or drip campaigns, and strategically segment them based on their behaviors, such as opens, clicks and purchases.

Supported E-commerce Platforms

    • Woocommerce Logo.

Boost Your Email Marketing Results

Our email marketing automation software makes it easy & affordable to send personalized, targeted emails to your customers at scale.

Create stunning email campaigns that drive results with our easy-to-use software. Send them to specific segments or to your whole list at once.

Create and schedule a series of emails that are triggered based on your customer's behavior and actions (opens & clicks). Send the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

Create beautiful & responsive emails by using one of the best and most advanced email builder - Unlayer. Import thousands of templates (free & paid) by simply copying the template URL into the builder.

Explore Additional Features

Discover how our product can boost your open&click rates, get your emails delivered to the inbox, and maximize your email marketing ROI!

Dedicated IPs

Optimal Deliverability with a Dedicated IP Address

Leverage one of our dedicated IP addresses that have been pre-warmed to rapidly enhance your delivery rate. Put an end to blacklisting worries with shared IP addresses.


Continous Monitoring Of Key Metrics and Blacklists

We'll constantly monitor key metrics (SenderScore, IP/domain reputation, ..) and blacklists for changes. If any significant change occurs, we'll advise you on how to maintain the best deliverability.

Security & Scalability

Private Server Exclusively for Your Business

To maximize security and ensure the ability to handle large volumes of traffic and sent emails, your MailPirate account will be hosted on a dedicated server. No other customers will be hosted on the same server.

Gender Detection

Automatically Determining the Customer Gender

Our system can automatically tag gender to your contacts based on their name. Adding country info will further improve accuracy.


Segment Subscibers Based On Their Behaviour

Divide your list into segments to ensure only relevant subscribers get your messages. Tag loyal customers for engagement and send them even more personalized emails.